
‘भाषाङ्कुरः’ is written based on the foundational works of व्याकरणशास्त्र. The lessons in the book are in two languages – English and Marathi. There are 64 chapters in total, starting with the alphabet and covering lessons such as सन्धि, शब्दरूपाणि, कारक, उपपदविभक्ति, समास, शास्त्रीय topics (लिङ्गविचार, उद्देश्यविधेयभाव, etc.) and so on. It concludes with a description of the types of सूत्र. Other notable features are:
👉🏼 Each lesson contains examples and exercises selected from अष्टाध्यायी and wider Sanskrit literature.
👉🏼 Over 500 illustrations, which apply the topics from the lessons to various scenarios, will assist the learners in easily grasping and applying the concepts.