100% Success of Sanskrit Seva Foundation at प्रान्तीयशास्त्रीयस्पर्धा
Sanskrit Seva Foundation has had a 100% successful performance at प्रान्तीयशास्त्रीयस्पर्धा (State level Shastra competition) organised by Central Sanskrit University, Mumbai campus on 13th December 2022. Three participants from the foundation received prizes.
These students are learning in online mode. It was the first time that they participated in any Sanskrit competition.
Following are their details:
1) Renuka Nisal (16yrs) – She stood first in कण्ठपाठ of the entire भगवद्गीता
2) Sakshi Marda (16yrs) – She stood first in सुभाषितकण्ठपाठ (150 verses)
3) Ishaan Gawade (13 yrs) – He got the third prize in धातुकण्ठपाठ. The धातुपाठ contains around 20,000 forms of 100 dhatus (rootverbs). With just 1942 dhatus, we can make millions of forms.