पाणिनीयपरिषद् is the discussion/debate in traditional method on the topics of Vyākaraṇa.
This uncommon event, earlier known as पाणिनिवाक्यार्थसभा, began in online mode in the month of February 2022 for the first time. Herein, Pandits and students of Vyākaraṇa-Śāstra from all over India gather online once in a month. Its timespan is around two hours. Two to three Pandits speak around 40 mins each on topics discussed in the texts of Vyākaraṇa-Śāstra like, Siddhāntakaumudī, Kāśikā, Prauḍhamanoramā, Laghuśabdenduśekhara, Paribhāśenduśekhara, Mahābhāṣya, among others. Questions are raised in between and an attempt is made to solve them. Entire discussion is in Sanskrit. Up till March 2023, 52 discussions of 22 orators have happened in six cakras (rounds). In one cakra, one chance is given to one orator. From April 2023 (Caitra Śaka 1945), the event is renamed पाणिनीयपरिषद् and the texts of first level, Siddhāntakaumudī and Kāśikā, are introduced.
Along with online mode, discussions in offline mode are planned for this year.
This event enriches the study of Śāstra and helps to maintain the traditional way of discussion.
Invitation of First Pariṣad of First Cakra
🕉️ पाणिनीयपरिषद् 🕉️
भानुवासरे चैत्रकृष्णैकदश्यामपराह्णे पञ्चेति समये पाणिनीयपरिषद: सप्तमचक्रस्योपक्रम:केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयस्यैकलव्यपरिसरे सहायकप्राध्यापकस्य श्रीमत: पण्डितवर्यस्य झागणेश्वरनाथशर्ममहाभागस्य
🔸 विधिनियमसंभवे विधिरेव ज्यायानिति परिभाषाविवरणेन।पश्चात्
🔸 कौमुद्यनुसारेणोपदेशपदार्थं श्रीमान् दासगोपाळकृष्णशर्मा प्रतिपादयिता।जिज्ञासूनामुपस्थिति: परिषदमिमां समलंकुर्यात्।
एकचत्वारिंशदधिकनवदशशततमस्य विकार्याख्यसंवत्सरस्य पौषमासे परिषदियमभूतपूर्वरूपेण प्रारभत।
एतावतैकविंशतिसंख्याकानां वक्तॄणां द्विपञ्चाशद् वाक्यार्था: संपन्ना:।
संस्कृतसेवाफाउण्डेशनसंस्था परिषद: समायोजयित्री।सभादिनाङ्क: १६/०४/२०२३
सभासमय: सायं ५
सभास्थलं स्वस्थानम्